Seminole Hard Rock Digital, LLC – Redeeming Winning Ticket by Registered Mail

A Patron may redeem by mail a winning wagering ticket under $3,000 to
the address provided thereon in accordance with the following:

 1. When redeeming winning tickets by registered mail, the Patron shall provide
the following information on the winning ticket (see Figure 1 below):
     a. Write the words “Mail Redemption” on the winning ticket & 1 copy of
your ticket.
     b. The player’s full name, full address, email address, and telephone
number shall be written on the back of the winning ticket.
     c. The player’s signature shall be written on the winning ticket.

Figure 1 – Redeeming Winning Ticket by Registered Mail

2.  The Patron shall mail in the completed winning ticket.
3. Tickets shall be mailed by the Patron (ideally with a self-addressed, stamped
envelope) to:
Hard Rock Sportsbook
Boardwalk 1000, LLC
1000 Boardwalk
Atlantic City, NJ 08401